The Curiosities

  • Spinning (above)
    private collection

Motherhood is hard. And sometimes ugly. The ugly parts often go unacknowledged. There is a quiet desperation–  moments no one wants to see or admit to. There is secrecy and guilt and a sense of alone-ness in these moments of despair, suffocation, suspended animation and surrender. There are occasional feelings of being clipped, frantic, caged, shattered, torn, pinned, captive, empty and torpid. But situations are usually a matter of perspective. Are these figures being held back or held up? Are they being trapped, stopped or supported? This work is about conflict and contradiction. They appear as side show attractions– grotesque and outside of the norm. But they represent a universal albeit hidden truth.

found objects, wood, mixed metal, clay, cotton cloth & cast resin

3′ x 2′ (average)


  • Caged
  • Drained – private collection
  • Emerging
  • Suspended
  • Torn
  • Considering – private collection
  • Contemplation
  • Acts of Futility – private collection
  • Clipped – private collection




• January 31, 2015

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